Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Entrepreneural process paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Entrepreneural process paper - Essay Example This therefore implies that every stage in the entrepreneur process is important for any business to succeed and entrepreneurs should have an understanding of the process before venturing in any business. Some stages in the process do appear to be more important than the other stages. The truth is that each phase is as important as other phases and that each phase must be completed in a systematic manner in order for the business venture to be a success. The first phase for implementation is identifying and evaluating a business opportunity. Secondly, the entrepreneur should develop a business plan then access the available resources to start the business and lastly manage the newly established business (Henry & De, 2011). Each of the phases is analyzed below in order of their importance. Identifying and evaluating a business opportunity The phase is also referred to as the business innovation model. This stage is viewed as the most important as no business venture can start without an idea. Identifying a opportunity is not that easy since an individual must analyze carefully identify an existing gap in the market (Baron & Shane, 2008). At this stage, you identify a need that exists and formulate a model on how best you can satisfy the need. Entrepreneurs should answer questions on the existing market by conducting a market research. You should analyze the audience that is likely to purchase the product. Thereafter, you should carefully screen the audience’s feedback on acceptance or rejection of the new product. In case an entrepreneur wishes to introduce an existing product, he or she should analyze the existing competition and the market penetration strategies may be adopted. Additionally, at the identification stage, one should determine he or she would need patent rights to protect his or her innovation (Baron & Shane, 2008). Completion of the identification of a business opportunity paves way for evaluation of the opportunity. This is the most impo rtant element in the whole entrepreneur process as it will enable the entrepreneur decide on whether to venture into the new business or abandon it. It enables him or her to compare the projected returns and the required resources for the investment (Kuratko, 2009). The evaluation process accesses the duration of the opportunity, its perceived and real value, the returns and risks associated, whether the venture fits the goals and skills of the entrepreneur as well as its uniqueness in creating a competitive advantage in the competitive environment. The estimated market size and the duration in which the opportunity may exist provide the basis of accessing the rewards and risks. The risk reflects the capital employed, the market, technology and the competition involved. The capital required is often used as the basis for evaluating the returns and risks (Fayolle, 2007). A viable business opportunity should promise high returns than the amount of money invested and should have low ri sks. Additionally, it should be able to make higher returns in a short of time after establishment. The goals and personal skills of an entrepreneur should fit the opportunity. It is important that the entrepreneur dedicate his or her time and effort for the business to be a success. Although most people start a business and hope that the

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Same Story Essay Example for Free

The Same Story Essay Write A Detailed Comparison On The Way Of How A Tabloid Newspaper (The Sun) And A Broadsheet Newspaper (The Times) Treat The Same Story. The purpose of this essay is to write a detailed comparison based on the ways of how different newspapers present their data in order to attract custom. I will be looking closely at the presentation, content and style of a tabloid newspaper (The Sun) and a broadsheet newspaper (The Times). To enable this assessment to be fair, I will be concentrating on a particular event, which happened back in 1986. The article in which I will be focusing on is about an Arab man (Nezar Hindawi) who tried to dupe his pregnant girlfriend. The Arab had planted an explosive in the luggage belonging to his intended wife and sent her as a human time bomb to board a jet containing more than four hundred unsuspecting passengers and crew. Newspaper articles always consists of a subject heading; to attract a reader to a story, subheadings; to guide the reader through the story, and paragraph sections which contain necessary details appropriate for the clarification of the story for the reader it targets. The language and visual appearance are the key factors to the contents of a newspaper, and the editors pride themselves on a politically correct informative style of journalism, suitable for the newspaper they are promoting. The visual appearance is a very important aspect of both a tabloid and a broadsheet newspaper layout, as it has to capture the publics eye. If it fails to do this, there will be a decline in public interests and sales would decrease through loss of custom. The standards of the newspaper should be of the same quality each time it comes off the press, otherwise the public turn towards other companies. The consistency of this standard is vital to the consumer who expects a particular style. Newspaper companies often run the beginning of the story on the front page and continue it on a later page. The importance of the story is usually included in the information given on the front page. The story about the human time bomb hit the front pages of the Sun and The Times. The two companies displayed the story in extremely different ways. The Sun used most of the space on the front page for this article. The size of a tabloid newspaper is suitable to fit into small places, and it does not create the problem of folding over when being read, like a broadsheet does. The only other information featured on the page was an advertisement for the Sam Frocks Collection and another for the i 50,000 Bingo prize for that days winner. The journalists managed to fill it with a big, bold WANTED sign stretching from one side of the page to the other as well as a quarter page black and white picture of the Arab, and a twenty-one worded headline placed just above the tiny amount of text that was squashed into the bottom corner. To make the headline eyecatching the W. O. B technique was used. W. O. B is an abbreviation for White On Black. This is effective because it darkens the space around the writing enabling the words to make a dramatic appearance. This technique was used in three different places throughout the front page. It is used in the papers name appearance, the advert featured and the headline of the Arab story. In comparison, The Times displayed many of their articles on the front page. The Times is able to provide more detailed stories, as it is longer and wider than The Sun. Broadsheets are often carried under the arm, as they are too big to store in a handbag or suitcase. The Arab rat article was placed at the top of the page in a tiny space. The other information included on the page is an advertisement for Swindon Enterprise, a cartoon caption and articles such as England Down And Out, Pledge On Terror Even At Cost Of Life, Thousands Seek To Flee Tripoli. Within the space provided for this story the editor inserted a small picture of the Arab, with a caption just beneath it, a headline, a sub headline, and the text. The picture in The Times used for the article was the same picture as the editor of the Sun had used. The only difference between the two photographs is the size.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

litereary poem notes :: essays research papers

Literary Terms for Poetry 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Alliteration: The repetition of initial consonant sounds 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Assonance: The repetition of vowel sounds followed by different consonants in two or more stressed syllables 3.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Blank Verse: Poetry written in unrhymed iambic pentameter lines 4.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Concrete Poem: A poem with a shape that suggests it’s subject 5.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Consonance: the repetition in two or more words of final consonants in stressed syllables 6.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Couplet: A pair of rhyming lines usually of the same length and meter 7.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Dramatic Poetry: Poetry that involves the techniques of drama 8.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Epic: A long narrative poem about the deed of gods and heroes 9.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Extended Metaphor: A subject is spoken or written of as though it were something else 10.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Free Verse: Poetry not written in a regular rhythmical pattern or meter 11.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Haiku: Japanese poem written in 5-7-5 needs to convey a single vivid emotion by means of images from nature 12.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Lyric Poem: A highly musical verse that expresses the observations of the writer 13.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Mood: The feeling created in the reader by a literary work or passage. The mood is often suggested by descriptive details 14.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Onomatopoeia: The use of words that imitate sounds 15.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Parody: A work done in imitation of another, usually in order to mock it, but sometimes just in fun 16.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Personification: A type of figurative language in which a nonhuman subject is given human characteristics. 17.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Pun: A play on words based on different meanings of words that sound alike 18.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Refrain: A repeated line or group of lines in a poem or song 19.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Repetition: The use, more than once, of any element of language- a sound, a word, a phrase, a clause, or a sentence 20.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Rhyme: The repetition of sounds at the ends of words- internal rhyme occurs when the rhyming words appear in the same line

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Assessing the Goal of Sports Products, Inc Essay

Sports Products Inc. is a large producer of boating equipments and accessories. The two key players within this organization is Loren Segura who works as a Clerical assistant in the accounting department and Dale Johnson who works in the shipping department. Both team members had a concern about the company profits and was equally concerned about the stocks declining in value therefore, Loren and Dale try to strategize what is important to management and how the current options affect their pay directly. (Gitman,2009) Solution a. What should the management of Sports Products, Inc. pursue as its overriding goal? Why? Sports Products Inc. will definitely want to maximize their shareholders wealth, which should be the most important goal of an organization although; profit is required to increase the dividends of the company. The managers in Sports Products Inc. must focus on how the organization will continue to profit however; shareholders wealth will increase or maximize while they focus on maintaining their status of providing excellent boating equipment and accessories to their clientele. The firm will also need to come up with a way to incorporate pollution control for the existing problems and a way to pay the additional cost it will incur. The study indicates that the firm has never paid any cash dividends in their twenty-year history and this is how stockholders receive their profit from the organizations earnings. Shareholders fall secondary when it comes to receiving cash dividends or profit because, a shareholder only profits after everyone else in line has received their payments such as the organizations creditors, or suppliers which explains why Sports Products Inc. is being sued by various officials for dumping waste in adjacent streams. The company has chosen not invest in paying for pollution control as this will increase cost to the company and lower the company profit margin. By the shareholders, owning the firm places them at a greater risk and by them owing other companies for risking pollution no one will want to invest in the company although, the profits are rising there is no increase in the firm’s stock price. b. Does the firm appear to have an agency problem? Explain. There does appear to be an agency problem because, regardless of Dales and Loren efforts to manage their jobs by trying not to waste packaging material and performing their job as cost-effective as possible the stock price is still declining $2 per share over a 9 month period which is a large decline under a year time-frame. The company also, does not seem to be concerned about incorporating a pollution control program because; the company is concerned over the cost to themselves and their company profit margin. c. Evaluate the firm’s approach to pollution control. Does it seem to be ethical? Why might incurring the expense to control pollution be in the best interests of the firm’s owners despite its negative effect on profits? To be honest, I am unsure why this would happen ethically. Sports Products Inc. will eventually have to take responsibility on a higher level if these other companies go through with the lawsuits. Therefore, the organization will be forced into either incorporating a pollution control plan or paying fines, which will reduce shareholders wealth even more because, at this point the shareholders cannot receive anything until their creditors are paid in full. d. Does the firm appear to have an effective corporate governance structure? Explain any shortcomings. The structure of Sports Products Inc. appears poorly structured. The management teams are not focused on the shareholders wealth at all. The management structure wants to maintain company profit to break even however, they are not concerned about dumping waste into streams or, creating a pollution control plan. The company is not assuring their stockholders wealth is maximized and if they have not paid cash dividends in 20 years they are just trying to stay in business however, they are not taking care of their employees who work from them everyday nor, does the company have the shareholders best interest at heart. e. On the basis of the information provided, what specific recommendations would You offer the firm? Based on the case study I would recommend Sports Products Inc. forming a better plan that will not just break even however, strategize how to incorporate a pollution control program that will be cost-effective and not affect profits if possible. I would recommend that they incorporate better ethical values that will show integrity to their constituents and internal employees. The organization will need to continue to profit but they also, need to ensure that the shareholders get a piece of the pie in addition, to changing the standards that have been in place for 20 years.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Health Care Spending Paper Essay

This paper will include: the current health care expenditures whether spending is too much or not enough, where the nation should add or cut, how the public’s health care needs are paid and provide a forecast for: the future economic needs, why these needs must be addressed, how I envision these needs will be financed and conclusion. Current Health Expenditures Health care costs have been rising for several years. Expenditures in the United States on health care surpassed $2.3 trillion in 2008, more than three times the $714 billion spent in 1990, and over eight times the $253 billion spent in 1980. Stemming this growth has become a major policy priority, as the government, employers, and consumers increasingly struggle to keep up with health care cost. Hospital spending, the largest share of overall health care spending, is a major driver of increased costs The current national expenditure have tripled over the last decade especially in hospital care, physician/clinical services and drug ( Kaiser, 2010). The United States is at an all time high in health care. In the health care system there are some factors that contribute to this increase. It is getting to the point that more and more Americans cannot afford health care, because of the cost of health care is getting harder to maintain for their families. Whether Spending is too much or not enough It is difficult to pin point one exact factor why spending is escalating. The chart below states that hospital care, physician/clinical services and prescription drugs are where the most spending is taking place (Kaiser, 2010). This shows we are spending too much, especially in these top three categories listed. When health care cost is steadily increasing, so we are spending a great deal in the list above. National Health Expenditures, 2008 [pic] Source: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Office of the Actuary, National Health Statistics Group Where the Nation Should Add or Cut Medicare and Medicaid account for a significant share of health care spending (Kaiser, 2010) and also according to the above chart we could cut in the hospital care, physician/clinical services and prescription drugs. This is why we need to cut as far as the nation is concerned because these government programs Medicare and Medicaid are funding health cost at a steady growth. We have to work on controlling this program before it controls us. If we do not start cutting from somewhere we will be in a serious deficit for health care in the United States. Then we need to cut prescription drugs cost, so it can be affordable to everyone, so the government needs to intercede the pharmaceutical companies closely to manage this expense. How the Public’s Health Care needs are Paid Although Americans benefit from many of the investments in health care, the recent rapid cost growth, coupled with an overall economic slowdown and rising federal deficit, is placing great strains on the systems used to finance health care, including private employer-sponsored health insurance  coverage and public insurance programs such as Medicare and Medicaid ( Kaiser, 2010 ). The public’s health care payments are paid by Medicaid and Medicare if eligible for this government health program and other private health insurance companies, for example: Blue cross and Blue Shield, Aetna, Cigna and United Health Care are just a few the public health care is paid. There are some people who pay out of pocket, whether they can afford it or not. Forecast: the Future Economic needs Scott Donahue, vice president of Triple Tree healthcare advisory group, agrees, pointing to statistics such as those found in the 2009 PricewaterhouseCoopers Health Research Institute study that revealed nearly one half of the $2.2 trillion the United States spends each year on healthcare is wasted. â€Å"While it is impossible to point to any single breakdown contributing to the waste, it is clear from the study’s findings that this is an industry that has significantly underutilized technology to improve efficiencies,† he says, adding that cloud computing could help mend a healthcare system that is stuck in the inefficiencies and limitations found in older legacy systems (Chavis, 2011). There needs to be an investment in our technology system for health care for example: electronic medical records (EMR) to better serve the patients and technology that is being required to give quality service and modify the provider’s wages, since in the hospital this is the biggest cost. This is a start in the direction to accommodate the Americans who cannot afford health care. These small changes can contribute to a clear forecast in health care. Forecast: why these needs must be address This issue needs to be address because health care cost is soaring and if we do not intercept and make some real changes the American people will not afford medical services. The health provider’s and facilities are making big money and they need to work with the people to help with this expense we have made. The government can help by fine tuning the Medicare and Medicaid  program, so people can benefit fairly from it. We need to get proactive in prevention, so we our bodies will stay healthy for a long life. Forecast: how I envision these needs will be financed I envision a new administration making some major changes to make health care affordable for all Americans. The private insurance companies will need to work on some alternative health care package to their consumers for health care cost. The government in Washington to stop thinking of them and focus on health care cost, so all can manage health expense and get continued quality care also. Conclusion The bottom line we need to concentrate on cutting cost of health care and quality care, which we all deserve as human beings. There is not just one factor that contributes to the health expenditure but several pieces to this puzzle that makes this a major health cost issue. We need to find ways to decrease spending too much, so people can benefit from their health plan. The nation should consider cutting hospital care, clinical services and prescription drugs, since these are the top expenses for health care. This would definitely clear a path for reduced cost. The public can barely afford to pay premiums to their private health insurance companies but if they want coverage they have to pay. The one’s who qualify for Medicare and Medicaid will get help from this government program for health care cost and yes some people still pay out of pocket to maintain their health conditions. Technology is one investment to keep up with the growing health care needs of people. We must address these health cost concerns or they will get out of control, so we need to be proactive getting health care financially in shape to accommodate medical service to all. I envision that all people will be covered by health care regardless of economic background. Americans need to get resources to take better care of their health and invest in prevention, so our health will not result in a chronic illness or an incurable disease. Then maybe the law makers in Washington will make sound  decision about our health care plan from other health care providers, so we can benefit and help with cost diminishing. References Access My Library. (2004). Health Care Spending Hits 1.6 Trillion in 2002, Rising More Than Twice as Fast as U.S. Economy. Retrieved from Chavis, S. (2011). Cloudy Forecast for Health. For the Record, 23(4), 10. Getzen, T., Moore, J. (2007). Wiley Pathways health care Economics (1st. ed.). John Wiley & Sons. Kaiser. (2010). U.S. Health Care Costs. Retrieved from Modules/US-Health-Care-Costs/Background-Brief.aspx#.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Proofreading Exercises to Identify Errors in Verb Tense

Proofreading Exercises to Identify Errors in Verb Tense Verb tenses tell you when the action in a sentence is happening The three verb tenses are past, present, and future. Past tense verbs describe when something has happened, present tense verbs describe things that are continuous or that are happening now, and future tense verbs describe things that havent happened yet but are likely to occur in the future. Instructions In each of the following paragraphs, some of the sentences contain errors in verb tense. Write out the correct form of any verb that is used incorrectly, and then compare your findings with the answers provided further below. Hands Up! Recently in Oklahoma City, Pat Rowley, a security guard, deposit 50 cents in a City Hall vending machine and reach in to get a candy bar. When the machine catch his hand, he pull out his pistol and shoot the machine twice. The second shot sever some wires, and he got his hand out. The Christmas Spirit Mr. Theodore Dunnet, of Oxford, England, run amok in his house in December. He ripped the telephone from the wall, thrown a television set and a tape-deck into the street, smash to bits a three-piece suite, kicked a dresser down the stairs, and torn the plumbing right out of the bath. He offer this explanation for his behavior: I was shock by the over-commercialization of Christmas. Late Bloomers Some very remarkable adults are known to have experience quite unremarkable childhoods. English author G.K. Chesterton, for instance, could not read until the age of 8, and he usually finish at the bottom of his class. If we could opened your head, one of his teachers remark, we would not find any brain but only a lump of fat. Chesterton eventually become a successful novelist. Similarly, Thomas Edison was label a dunce by one of his teachers, and young James Watt was called dull and inept. Mona Lisa Leonardo da Vincis Mona Lisa is one of the most famous portraits in the history of painting. Leonardo took four years to complete the painting: he begun work in 1503 and finish in 1507. Mona (or Madonna Lisa Gherardini) was from a noble family in Naples, and Leonardo may have paint her on commission from her husband. Leonardo is said to have entertain Mona Lisa with six musicians. He install a musical fountain where the water play on small glass spheres, and he give Mona a puppy and a white Persian cat to play with. Leonardo did what he could to keep Mona smiling during the long hours she sit for him. But it is not only Monas mysterious smile that has impress anyone who has ever view the portrait: the background landscape is just as mysterious and beautiful. The portrait can be seen today in the Louvre Museum in Paris. Hard Luck A bank teller in Italy was jilted by his girlfriend and decide the only thing left to do was kill himself. He stolen a car with the idea of crashing it, but the car broken down. He steal another one, but it was too slow, and he barely dent a fender when he crashed the car into a tree. The police arrive and charge the man with auto theft. While being questioned, he stab himself in the chest with a dagger. Quick action by the police officers saved the mans life. On the way to his cell, he jumped out through a third-story window. A snowdrift broken his fall. A judge suspends the mans sentence, saying, Im sure fate still has something in store for you. Answers Here are the answers to the above verb-tense exercises. Corrected verb forms are in  bold  print. Hands Up! Recently in Oklahoma City, Pat Rowley, a security guard,  deposited  50 cents in a City Hall vending machine and reached  in to get a candy bar. When the machine caught his hand, he pulled out his pistol and  shot  the machine twice. The second shot  severed  some wires, and he got his hand out. The Christmas Spirit Mr. Theodore Dunnet, of Oxford, England, ran amok in his house in December. He ripped the telephone from the wall;  threw a television set and a tape-deck into the street; smashed  to bits a three-piece suite, kicked a dresser down the stairs, and tore the plumbing right out of the bath. He  offered  this explanation for his behavior: I was​  shocked  by the over-commercialization of Christmas. Late Bloomers Some very remarkable adults are known to have  experienced  quite unremarkable childhoods. English author G.K. Chesterton, for instance, could not read until the age of eight, and he usually  finished  at the bottom of his class. If we could  open  your head, one of his teachers  remarked, we would not find any brain but only a lump of fat. Chesterton eventually  became  a successful novelist. Similarly, Thomas Edison was  labeled  a dunce by one of his teachers, and young James Watt was called dull and inept. Mona Lisa Leonardo da Vincis  Mona Lisa  is the most famous portrait in the history of painting. Leonardo took four years to complete the painting: he  began  work in 1503 and  finished  in 1507. Mona (or Madonna Lisa Gherardini) was from a noble family in Naples, and Leonardo may have  painted  her on commission from her husband. Leonardo is said to have  entertained  Mona Lisa with six musicians. He  installed  a musical fountain where the water  played  on small glass spheres, and he  gave  Mona a puppy and a white Persian cat to play with. Leonardo did what he could to keep Mona smiling during the long hours she  sat  for him. But it is not only Monas mysterious smile that has  impressed  anyone who has ever  viewed  the portrait: the background landscape is just as mysterious and beautiful. The portrait can be seen today in the Louvre Museum in Paris. Hard Luck A bank teller in Italy was jilted by his girlfriend and  decided  the only thing left to do was kill himself. He  stole  a car with the idea of crashing it, but the car  broke  down. He  stole  another one, but it was too slow, and he barely  dented  a fender when he crashed the car into a tree. The police  arrived  and  charged  the man with auto theft. While being questioned, he  stabbed  himself in the chest with a dagger. Quick action by the police officers saved the mans life. On the way to his cell, he jumped out through a third-story window. A snowdrift  broke  his fall. A judge  suspended  the mans sentence, saying, Im sure fate still has something in store for you.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Poekilopleuron - Facts and Figures

Poekilopleuron - Facts and Figures Name: Poekilopleuron (Greek for varied ribs); pronounced POY-kill-oh-PLOOR-on Habitat: Woodlands of western Europe Historical Period: Middle Jurassic (170-165 million years ago) Size and Weight: About 23 feet long and one ton Diet: Meat Distinguishing Characteristics: Large size; bipedal posture; relatively long arms About Poekilopleuron Poekilopleuron had the misfortune to be discovered in the early 19th century, at a time when virtually every large theropod was being assigned as a species of Megalosaurus (the first dinosaur ever to be named). An amazing number of famous paleontologists were involved, in one way or another, with this dinosaur: the type species, Poekilopleuron bucklandii, was named after William Buckland; in 1869, Edward Drinker Cope reassigned a now-defunct genus (Laelaps) as Poekilopleuron gallicum; Richard Owen was responsible for Poekilopleuron pusillus, which Cope later changed to Poekilopleuron minor; and later still, Harry Seeley reassigned one of these species to an entirely different genus, Aristosuchus. Amidst this frenzy of Poekilopleuron activity, at least one species of this middle Jurassic dinosaur was assigned to Megalosaurus, though most paleontologists continued to refer to Poekilopleuron by its original genus name. Adding to the confusion, the original skeleton of Poekilopleuron (Greek for varied ribs)which stood out for its complete set of gastralia, or ribs, a rarely preserved feature of dinosaur fossilswas destroyed in France during World War II, so paleontologists have since had to make do with plaster replicas (a similar situation prevails with the much bigger meat-eating dinosaur Spinosaurus, whose type fossil was destroyed in Germany). Long story short: Poekilopleuron may or may not have been the same dinosaur as Megalosaurus, and if it wasnt, it was a very close relative!

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Surname Herrera Meaning and Origin

Surname Herrera Meaning and Origin Derived from the Spanish herrerà ­a, meaning place where ironwork is made, the Herrera surname means worker in iron, a blacksmith. According to the Instituto Genealà ³gico e Histà ³rico Latino-Americano, this Castellan surname originated in the Villa of Pedraza, in the province of Segovia, in Castile and Leon, Spain. Herrera is the 33rd most common Hispanic surname. Surname origin: ï » ¿Spanish Herrera may also be seen spelled as Herrero or Herera. Famous People With the Surname Herrera Odubel Herrera - Venezuelan professional baseball player/Caroline Herrera - Venezuelan fashion designer; married to Reinaldo Herrera.Paloma Herrera - Famous Argentine ballerina. Genealogy Resources for the Surname Herrera is a popular genealogy forum for the Herrera surname to find others who might be researching your ancestors, or post your own Herrera query. Find records, queries, and lineage-linked family trees posted for the Herrera surname and its variations at RootsWeb hosts several free mailing lists for researchers of the Herrera surname. allows you to read or post genealogy queries for the surname Herrera, and sign up for free notification when new Herrera queries are added. gives you access to free databases and genealogy links for the last name Herrera. References Cottle, Basil. Penguin Dictionary of Surnames. Baltimore, MD: Penguin Books, 1967. Menk, Lars. A Dictionary of German Jewish Surnames. Avotaynu, 2005. Beider, Alexander. A Dictionary of Jewish Surnames from Galicia. Avotaynu, 2004. Hanks, Patrick and Flavia Hodges. A Dictionary of Surnames. Oxford University Press, 1989. Hanks, Patrick. Dictionary of American Family Names. Oxford University Press, 2003. Smith, Elsdon C. American Surnames. Genealogical Publishing Company, 1997.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

The Unique Aspects of Bristol University Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Unique Aspects of Bristol University - Essay Example A prerequisite to attend a business school with a programme as rigorous as Bristol’s is to be driven and motivated at an early age. Since my early teenage years, my uncle Marmon Aspadi, a graduate of the Bristol University, has encouraged me to apply. He must have seen in me the attributes necessary to succeed at the university. Through my study of A Level Mathematics and Further Mathematics, I am extremely competent in the fields of mathematics and statistics, which are the core theoretical frameworks of an economics degree. Being an Indian citizen who has resided in the Middle East my entire life and witnessed firsthand the boom and bust of my hometown Dubai, my personal and academic backgrounds would be instrumental in contributing to the school’s immense cultural diversity. Furthermore, my living experiences abroad have only strengthened my understanding of the interconnectedness of the global economy and the role it plays in businesses throughout the world. Bristol provides the human landscape of internationalism that offers multidimensional perspectives needed to understand global trends and local realities. I believe that my broad international perspective would contribute to this environment. My interest in the field of business is genuinely innate and extremely strong. I concurrently believe in the importance of a well-rounded education. Bristol would provide the opportunity to challenge me through the interdisciplinary study offered at the College of Arts & Sciences. A dual degree across the two undergraduate schools is certainly what I would want to achieve if admitted to Bristol.  Ã‚  

Friday, October 18, 2019

Effective and efficient use of physical resources in line with Essay

Effective and efficient use of physical resources in line with organizational policies and procedures - Essay Example These possessions call for maintenance to make Aerospace sub-contractors do well in every of their actions and roles (Sicker, 2008 P 206). This also includes assuring security in the employment surroundings and making sure all the apparatus and plant work well and is in solid state. Buildings The Aerospace sub-contractors has resources such as different buildings and facilities for instance they have workplace structures to make certain they appear respectable and expert, their workplace possessions have a contemporary look by a respectable arrival and aerospace sub-contractors . The Aerospace Sub-contractors Company has built-up buildings such as factories to make sure that the company’s items or supply are created to finest value and that the workers are in a safe working atmosphere; it does not have to be well turned-out to the clients because no one but the workforce and employers are certified to stopover the place. The structure is used for machinery use, which is highly developed and supports the personnel. Warehouses Aerospace sub-contractors also have warehouses to maintain their merchandise in a protected site for research to be delivered to clients, the warehouses more often than not deliver substantial hypermarket stores such as; Tesco and Sainsbury's in England since they instruct a lot of the stockpile and add to Aerospace sub-contractors 's income. The warehouses are typically extremely hefty, high stockpile rooms with a lot of capacity, which helps the business use up their amenities intelligently, not wasting assets and funds. The administration also has shops to trade and endorse their Aerospace sub-contractors commodities; also, so that their merchandise could be purchased at any confined outlet for all people the company is aiming to reach. These branches appear well turned-out and friendly for clients to visit and purchase Aerospace sub-contractors products. Museums and education Museums and education centres are as well a component of the Aerospace sub-contractors amenities and buildings to aid the corporation grow and arrive at recognition, they furthermore help the Aerospace sub-contractors audiences gain knowledge of the history and the voyage of Aerospace sub-contractors’s achievements and accomplishment (Ronald, 2002 P. 400). The museums and education centres have to appear respectable and reveal on the Aerospace sub-contractors’s business, also demonstrate understanding about the entire Aerospace sub-contractors business to give surety people they have entered the place to gain knowledge of the company, so they have to encompass diverse show rooms and displays in corridors and foyers. Machinery and plant As Aerospace sub-contractors have assured buildings and apparatus resources, they also contain certain needs of a kind of both plant and machinery. Plant; referring to having a detailed position for manufacturing Aerospace sub-contractors’s produce (where a business or manufacturing procedure takes place) for instance a plant where Aerospace sub-contractors produce their manufactured goods such as rivets, nuts /bolts washers, types of glues, lubricants and depressants, welding gases, welding filler wire, fluxes. Having machinery also saves Aerospace sub-contractors capital and time which means they end up earning more funds. This is because fewer personnel are required and more job share completed at once by a machine, not like a worker, machinery may also be supplementary harmless because it is planned to execute a task on the certain product with negligible support required. Aerospace sub-contractors use up a lot of currency for their factories and immense machinery, but it comes to a vast result and revenue for the company (Air Force, 2003 P

The role of legal systems in corporate governance Essay

The role of legal systems in corporate governance - Essay Example A Legal system is composed of a constitution, the different types of legislative bodies and legislation that is done by subsidiary law-making bodies like county authorities that carry out legislative duties such as the creation of by-laws (Brealy et al, 2007). Most legal systems in the world have two different branches that include civil law that deals with the law of torts, divorce law and the common law branch that deals with the commission of crimes and felonies. The judiciary is used for the determination of cases that fall in both civil and criminal law. The laws that deal with the collection of taxes and the administration of the tax laws fall under tax laws. Corporate governance has the stewardship approach where management is viewed as the stewards of the organization in terms of the asset management and employment as well as deployment of such assets in a manner that is consistent with the overall strategy of the organization (Enneking, 2012). It also sets out the accountability of the company towards the relevant authorities. Most companies are required to have a document setting out the corporate governance structure and policy. Corporate governance also entails the management of challenges that arise from separation of an entity’s ownership and its control. This discussion will focus on various issues; to begin with it will provide elaborate information in regard to the impacts of legal systems on corporate governance. Moreover, it will attempt to describe the effects of these systems on monitory unions and MNE firms. Background information shall also be provided that delve with legal systems as well as corporate governance. Legal systems affect almost every aspect of the society; one of the societal aspects that is affected by these systems is corporate governance. It is therefore crucial to research and determine the effects of legal systems on corporate governance

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Regulation of Internet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Regulation of Internet - Essay Example What is imperative here is an understanding that applies in unison for the Internet being a source of inspiration as well as dismay at the same time for a number of people all over the world. Why the Internet is being seen as a deterrent towards inculcating a prosperous society is largely dependent on the people who have used it for their ulterior motives. Then the only discussion to make headlines surrounds the basis of regulating the Internet so that it could be used properly. The kind of audience that visits the Internet daily is somewhat of a confusing scenario as older adults and teenagers hook on to the Internet to seek their own needs and wants. Now how Internet shapes up for them is somewhat of a diabolical question – which leaves many people surprised and confused at the same time. Regulating the usage of the Internet seems to be the best foot forward but then again who is going to decide what should be regulated and in what capacity? There are many questions that req uire adequately sound answers so that the topic of Internet regulation can be materialized further. The manner in which Internet needs to be regulated is a classic case in point. This is because there are certain nuances related with the Internet that deem more regulation than others. This means that the content aspect is one of the more serious pointers which need our attention. Some content on the Internet is illegal to be hosted on certain websites without proper litigation measures taken. Then again, copying data is an infringement which needs to be sorted out (Schwartz 357). There are people out there who would go to any limit to make sure that Internet is used for negative purposes. This does not come out as a major sign of optimism for anyone and the people at large suffer. Also the ones who are doing something worthwhile on the Internet are made to suffer since some websites get regulated and hence they have to face the brunt of it in the long run. Looking at the opposing vi ewpoint is also significant. This is because some of the Internet users are of the view that regulating Internet would mean that the speed will become slow and the servers will have a hard time coping up with similar issues. Therefore it would be in the best interest of the Internet users if they keep doing what they are undertaking without any rules and restrictions whatsoever. It will resolve quite a few issues that engulf the Internet users and amicably resolve many more that are about to crop up in the future. The need is to understand that Internet is an open domain and should be seen as such. These people opine that Internet must not be regulated under any scenario whatsoever since they do not want to miss out on what Internet offers them in entirety. Their viewpoints are generally not appreciated by the ones who believe in having regulations on the Internet. In the end, it would be sound to suggest that the regulation of Internet can be a good omen for keeping away the undesi red stuff on the Internet but there needs to be a proper mechanism for deploying such a nuance. What is even more imperative here is the fact that regulation of Internet must not hurt the people at large. The speed of the Internet should remain as such and if there are any compromising features, these must be taken care of in a quantifiable way. When this happens, people achieve the

Archeology and History of the People Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Archeology and History of the People - Essay Example provides data and evidence that gives a unique perspective on history of human culture and other aspects, which has greatly contributed to a clear understanding of recent and ancient past. Archeology not only explores when and where humans lived, but also how and why they lived, which involves examination of cultures overtime through changes and patterns from when and how people came to inhabit a particular place, for instance, America. Archeology also explores and reveals information about origins of complex societies and other activities such as agriculture (Orser 102). History primarily relies on written documents and records to interpret great events, lives, which do not provide exclusive and conclusive information about history and culture of a people. On the other hand, archeology allows people to delve way back into the period before existence of written languages, and have a glimpse of everyday lives of these people through analysis of the tools they made and things they left behind. Similarly, archeology helps in understanding regions inhabited by people because it covers geographical regions, as well as all times periods. For example, through archeology, people have been able to understand the history and concepts of important topics such as Egyptian religion, colonial events in Jamestown Virginia, origins of agriculture in Near East, lives of Africans enslaved in North America, early Mediterranean trade routes and so on. Moreover archeology informs people about lives of families, individuals and even communities which would otherwise remain invisible to the current generation. Historical archeology, for instance, explores cultures that existed thousands of years ago or a period of recorded history in Old World, as well as a number of years ago in the... The paper explains the importance of this science. As the primary source of information of men's cultural evolution for long periods in the prehistoric times, archeology provides sustained efforts that has enabled tracing of man’s antiquity on the planet several years ago. This is achieved by the systematic study of fossils and tools embedded in terraces; through which humans can be able to learn the nature of mans implement of offence and defence, habitat, way of life and tool techniques. As such, archeology has achieved reconstruction of the Stone Age man’s environment, and also his adaptations and responses to the climate. For example, archeology has achieved reconstruction of proto-historic cultures of India, pushing back Indian Civilization from the Vedic period to about 3000B. Archeology not only provides primary source of the information on historical cultures of people, but also the supplementary source of the information. Evidently, it fills the gaps created by uncertainty found in the written documents and records about the historical period. For example, it provides valuable information about Ikshvaku dynasty, which had scrappy information before archeology came in. Likewise, archeology has revealed more information through excavations at Satanikota, Vijayapuri and Kaveripattanam, which show trade contacts with Romans during the early periods of Christian era.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Regulation of Internet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Regulation of Internet - Essay Example What is imperative here is an understanding that applies in unison for the Internet being a source of inspiration as well as dismay at the same time for a number of people all over the world. Why the Internet is being seen as a deterrent towards inculcating a prosperous society is largely dependent on the people who have used it for their ulterior motives. Then the only discussion to make headlines surrounds the basis of regulating the Internet so that it could be used properly. The kind of audience that visits the Internet daily is somewhat of a confusing scenario as older adults and teenagers hook on to the Internet to seek their own needs and wants. Now how Internet shapes up for them is somewhat of a diabolical question – which leaves many people surprised and confused at the same time. Regulating the usage of the Internet seems to be the best foot forward but then again who is going to decide what should be regulated and in what capacity? There are many questions that req uire adequately sound answers so that the topic of Internet regulation can be materialized further. The manner in which Internet needs to be regulated is a classic case in point. This is because there are certain nuances related with the Internet that deem more regulation than others. This means that the content aspect is one of the more serious pointers which need our attention. Some content on the Internet is illegal to be hosted on certain websites without proper litigation measures taken. Then again, copying data is an infringement which needs to be sorted out (Schwartz 357). There are people out there who would go to any limit to make sure that Internet is used for negative purposes. This does not come out as a major sign of optimism for anyone and the people at large suffer. Also the ones who are doing something worthwhile on the Internet are made to suffer since some websites get regulated and hence they have to face the brunt of it in the long run. Looking at the opposing vi ewpoint is also significant. This is because some of the Internet users are of the view that regulating Internet would mean that the speed will become slow and the servers will have a hard time coping up with similar issues. Therefore it would be in the best interest of the Internet users if they keep doing what they are undertaking without any rules and restrictions whatsoever. It will resolve quite a few issues that engulf the Internet users and amicably resolve many more that are about to crop up in the future. The need is to understand that Internet is an open domain and should be seen as such. These people opine that Internet must not be regulated under any scenario whatsoever since they do not want to miss out on what Internet offers them in entirety. Their viewpoints are generally not appreciated by the ones who believe in having regulations on the Internet. In the end, it would be sound to suggest that the regulation of Internet can be a good omen for keeping away the undesi red stuff on the Internet but there needs to be a proper mechanism for deploying such a nuance. What is even more imperative here is the fact that regulation of Internet must not hurt the people at large. The speed of the Internet should remain as such and if there are any compromising features, these must be taken care of in a quantifiable way. When this happens, people achieve the

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Wal Mart Marketing Audit Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Wal Mart Marketing Audit - Essay Example Market of a company means the present and future customers of its goods and services. Wal-Mart's market indicates its actual and potential buyers. Apart from United States of America, Wal-Mart market is gradually expanding in some other regions of the world; such as, UK, China, USA, Maldives, Nepal, Bhutan and Russia etc. Wal-Mart has a favorable stock- market in some regions by means of which the company avails the advantage of selling out their shares at the significantly increased rate. Some stockholders contribute professionally-managed funds that widely help in buying and selling huge numbers of shares for pension plans, unions, and other large groups. Others are individuals who are saving for their retirements, children's college funds or other needs. In both cases, the goal is to buy the shares when the stock is low and sell is high. Neil Currie and Svetlana Sukhanova states that "Wal-Mart may follow its past practice of using a joint venture or acquisition to enter the market " (Ermakova, 2008). From a minute analysis of above data, it is clear that MOSCOW is the most profitable area of Wal-Mart in the present context as well as of future. Wal-Mart is expecting that the future profit will be doubled in MOSCOW. MOSCOW- Wal-Mart Stores Inc., the world's largest retailer, may expand into Russia within the next two years to capitalize on a swelling economy and a dearth of competitors may be taken place (Ermakova, 2008). 1.2. Customers Customers are the most significant fraction of a company. A company has to study its customer markets very closely. There are 5 types of customer markets; such as, Consumer markets, Business markets, Reseller markets, Government market, International markets. All of those markets want to satisfy themselves by qualified goods and services at a reasonable price .Every customer's resources are limited and in order to get maximum

Monday, October 14, 2019

Resume Cover Letter Essay Example for Free

Resume Cover Letter Essay I am submitting the enclosed resume for the Resident Assistant position, which first appeared to me through Facebook. My background of customer service and education will help me apply for this position. First of all, I would love to be a Resident Assistant. I enjoy working with others, and helping people solve their problems. I know being a RA will help me in many ways. I will be able to make new friends and get to know people better; I will have a higher chance getting into future jobs with this experience, and I will be a leader for other people in need to follow. When I worked at McDonald’s for more than a year I learned how exactly to talk to people. You might think working at McDonald’s would not prepare me for anything in life, but I learned when to be polite and when to be stern when frustrated customers would come to me complaining about their food. I had to deal with many uncomfortable situations which I knew how to deal with perfectly. I manage to stay calm in stressful situations. I am enthusiastic about exploring new opportunities with this job. I want to thank you for taking time to read my letter, and I hope to meet with you about this job.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Machiavelli The Prince Political Discourse Politics Essay

Machiavelli The Prince Political Discourse Politics Essay Niccolà ² Machiavelli an Italian who lived between (3 May 1469 21 June 1527). He was a great philosopher who combined philosophy with authoring (Dehsen, 1999). Niccolo Machiavelli is also considered one of the chief creators of the contemporary political science. Machiavelli The Prince is a political discourse written jointly by the Italian community servant and a political philosopher Niccolà ² Machiavelli. At first Machiavelli The Prince was known as De Principatibus or About Principalities. Machiavelli The Prince was first put in black and white way back in the year 1513. However, The Prince never was then published until the year 1532 (Anglo, 2005). This was exactly a period of five years subsequent to the death of Niccolo Machiavelli. The Prince was actually one of the primary works of contemporary philosophy. In modern philosophy unlike old theories emphases is placed on pragmatic ends and not just teleological concepts. The practical end is therefore the principal purpose for current philosophy. In fact among Niccolo Machiavellis writings, the treatise is the most bore in mind. Apparently, it is also the one in charge for getting Machiavellian into extensive use as a derogatory term. Machiavellis The Prince has made a great input into the account of political deliberation and offers the fundamental departure between political pragmatism and political impracticality. Niccolà ² Machiavellis The Prince duly exposits and illustrates the arts through which a ruler, the prince himself can sustain control of his territory (Roger Masters, 1996). It mainly gives attention to the new prince, beneath the presupposition that an inherited prince has no challenges on the throne, but rather an easier assignment in ruling. Machiavelli writes so since the subjects are quite accustomed to the prince. To hold on to power, the inherited prince is obliged to vigilantly uphold the socio-political establishments to which the subjects are used to; while a new-fangled prince has the extra complicated chore in ruling, given that he is taxed to foremost calm down his power so as to put up a lasting political structure (Roger Masters (1996). That task does require the new prince to be a ci vic stature whose repute and characters are beyond reproach. At the same time, the prince is required to secretly act amorally in order to accomplish the State set targets and goals. Very proper examples include the princes who to a large extent successfully acquire and retain power, obtain from his remarks as a Florentine ambassador, and his antique history interpretations; hence, the Latin terms and typical examples. Machiavellis The Prince promptly looks at the acquirement, upholding, as well as usage of political supremacy in the civilized world. As a matter of fact, Machiavelli put in writing The Prince to provide evidence his expertise in the skill of the country, giving guidance on the modalities that a prince can employ so as to obtain and at the same time keep power. In The Prince Machiavelli actually validated rule by force to a good extent than by law. As a result, The Prince appears to rationalize a number of actions done solely to perpetuate power. It is a classic study of power-its acquisition, expansion, and effective use. In the The Prince the prince never sends away morals, in lieu, it politically describes Morality as in the decisive factor for up to standard cruel exploit. It has got to be influential. It should actually bear such features as being quick, effective, and efficient as well as short-lived (Whelan, Frederick, 2004). Niccolo Machiavelli is quite aware and conscious of the quirk of fate of good outcomes emanating from wicked actions; in spite of some explanatory subject matter. In fact that is why the Catholic Church did prohibit The Prince. As a discourse, the primary scholastic input to the record of political thinking is really the elemental crack between political practicality and political impracticality (Whelan, Frederick, 2004). As a result, The Prince is actually an instruction booklet to get ones hands on and maintenance of the desirable political power. However, conventional idyllic society is not the sole aim of the princes eagerness to power. As a philosopher and a political scientist, Machiavelli does emphasize essential, logical exercise of boastful force punishment as well as recompense like patronage in order to safeguard and maintain the status quo. The opinion expanded on by Niccolo Machiavelli in The Prince might look as if it is tremendous even for the period of time in which they were authored. Nevertheless, the entire life of Machiavelli was used up in Florence. Then, there was an uninterrupted political conflict. For that reason, Machiavelli does emphasize for the needs for steadiness in the principality of the prince. The territory of the prince is at risk with regard to its preservation. The hypotheses articulated in The Prince expresses techniques that a would-be prince can use to attain the throne, or an existing prince can use to maintain his reign. According to Machiavelli, the supreme ethical good is a righteous and unwavering state, as well as dealings to look after the realm is for that reason warranted even if they seem are malicious. Machiavelli sturdily put forward, though, that the prince ought not to be loathed. He says, a wise prince should establish himself on that which is his own control and not in that of others; he must endeavor to avoid hatred, as is noted. ( Indeed in the opening discussion of The Prince, there is clear definition of effective and efficient methods of governing or controlling the subject in quite a number of sorts of principalities. For instance a newly attained versus hereditary acquired territories. In fact, Machiavelli does put in plain words to the reader, the Magnificent Lorenzo de Medici an associate of the Florentine Medici relations and honestly the best ways to obtain, sustain, and by extension defend a country. The schemes illustrated within bears the broad-spectrum theme of attaining needed trimmings by any possible means. Machiavelli spins to the ways a country can demonstrate aggression on the others terrains and/or defend itself. According to Machiavelli, the two most prominent and essential brass tacks for any stable nation, whether ancient or fresh, are ample laws and regulations and tough armed forces. An autonomous prince is that who can counters any adversary on the combat zone. However, a prince that depends entirely on buttresses or just on the assist of others and by annex stands on the protective is not self-reliant. If the prince cannot at all lift up a strong formidable defense force, other than relying on security, he is required to make stronger his city (Whelan, Frederick, 2004). Machiavelli firmly believes that a well-fortified city or territory is not likely to be hit, and if in any case it is attacked, nearly all armies will fail to withstand an unmitigated cordon or siege and subsequently withdraw or surrender. On the other hand, during a blockade a good prince will carry on the sp irits of his people as well as military high while getting rid of all dissidents. as a consequence, so long as the city or territory is appropriately safeguarded and by extension has adequate supplies for basic necessities, an astute prince can withstand and subdue any cordon. In The Prince, Machiavelli strongly argues and by extension stands in opposition to the usage of mercenaries to secure and defend territory. He believes firmly that the mercenaries are quite useless to any ruler who is worth his salt. He carries this since the mercenaries are considered as unlimitedly undisciplined, gutless, and further still possess limited or no loyalty at all. Moreover, Machiavelli sates that the mercenaries are in most situations being motivated merely by money and not that real urge to fight and even die for ones country. They really lack genuine loyalty and can grossly betray the course of a worthy conquerable fight. Machiavelli characterizes the weakness of the Italian municipality to their absolute reliance and trust on the disloyal mercenary armies (Sullivan, Vickie, 1996). In fact according to him, a prince should have a well recruited army whose loyalty is pocketed by the prince and extensively his subordinate. Machiavelli is completely convinced that hire armies in the name of mercenaries must not be depended upon by a state as this will jeopardize the live of the subjects. As a matter of addition, Machiavelli further cautions in opposition to using back up forces, rented troops or even those borrowed from close collaborator, for the simple reason that if they end up winning a battle, then the employer will subsequently be in their act of kindness and yet if they are defeated, the employer will totally be ruined and unable to command them. Such situation is quite dangerous as it imperils the states stability and it is the subjects who bear the brand. According to Machiavelli auxiliary forces in all cases are more perilous than even the mercenary armies since they are usually solidly united and managed by accomplished commanders who may perhaps turn against the employer who is the prince. They are normally difficult to tame and are at free end to the extent that they can go against the grain and claim the throne or cause a coup. In The Prince Machiavelli do observes that the most important apprehension for a ruler, the prince, should actually be battle, or to that effect preparation for the same. He says that war enables a heritable prince to keep up his power and/or an ordinary citizen to ascend to the throne and duly take control of a state. In that regard, Machiavelli promptly recommends that a prince have got to recurrently hunt or track in order to physically keep his body in shape and at the same time gain knowledge of the scenery which surrounds his sovereignty (Sullivan, Vickie, 1996).. The physical body robust and knowledge of the surrounding terrain are of essence to a prince. He claims that via this, the prince can preeminently become skilled and knowledgeable at how and when to secure and protect his territory and further press forward upon others similar if not the same. To Machiavelli, this is like killing two birds or more with a single stone. Machiavelli advances further that for a rational s trength, the prince is give a piece of advice to learn great military men like Alexander The Great in order to emulate their methodologies and achievements and further still steer clear of their mistakes (Sullivan, Vickie, 1996). He says that a prince who is adequately diligent in periods of peace and tranquility will be geared up in times of hardship. In fact, Machiavelli notes, thus, when fortune turns against him he will be prepared to resist it. In The Prince Machiavelli writes that when and if a prince ascends to the throne via luck and/or through the consents of powerful societal figures contained by a given regime, he actually has an trouble-free time attaining power. He cautions, however, that such acquired powers do offer the prince an enormous challenge to absolutely take control of the subjects and the army. He says that the prince will encounter hard time keeping the power thereafter, for the reason that his power is merely dependent on his backers benevolence which Machiavelli describes as a changeable thing at best. This is so because the ultimate prince will fail to command and acquire the absolute loyalty of the armies as well as officials he badly needs in order to stamp and uphold his authority (Sullivan, Vickie1996). Unfortunately, Machiavelli notes that these authorities if in any case such a prince assumes them then they can be withdrawn from him at any time and at a whim. In addition, Machiavelli states tha t since he ascended to the throne the effortless way, it is without certainty that such a leader has due necessary skills, knowledge or wisdom as well as strength to stand and position himself on his own feet as a leader. On the other hand, Machiavelli says that a prince who on his own rises by causing the downfall of the existing regime has a tough time getting higher. However, such a prince is able to rule with ease thereafter. Machiavelli hints that such a prince has sufficient guts to clear out and away his enemies. That he is also able to forge treaties on his own conditions and terms and by extension earns more recognition and respect. According to The Prince, improving an existing regime is actually one of the main treacherous and easier said than done things a ruler can do. Machiavelli writes that this is partly due to the fact that citizens are of course resistant by nature to change and /or reform, either sudden or gradual (Soll Jacob, 2005) . Partly there is enormous resistance since the beneficiaries of the old government will with all their strength resist passionately using the people and their resources. They will spread propaganda and intoxicate peoples mind. At the same time those who stand a chance or more to gain from any new regime will be of assistance to such a prince only half-heartedly. They will bear divide loyalty. This is for the most part due to the reformers lack of authenticity, and to some noticeable degree it is difficult for populace to readily believe and trust in an anticipated government that they have not practiced for themselves. What is more, it is obviously pragmatically not possib le for the leader (prince) to meet and deliver everyones glowingly huge prospects (Sullivan, Vickie 1996). . Without doubt, the prince will sadly let down some of his staunch supporters. Machiavelli in The Prince gives immediate solution to this. He says it is possible the prince counters this. All he needs to do in this case is for the prince to have the means and ways to oblige and compel his cohorts to maintain their support for him even at the time they begin having second opinions (Soll, Jacob, 2005). In such a situation in Machiavellis point of view it is only well armed diviners who thrive in getting necessary long lasting change. In the Prince, Machiavelli also mention regarding the behavior and conduct of the mighty prince particularly toward his subjects. Machiavelli states (Whelan, Frederick, 2004) : Men have imagined republics and principalities that never really existed at all. Yet the way men live is so far removed from the way they ought to live that anyone who abandons what is for what should be pursues his downfall rather than his preservation; for a man who strives after goodness in all his acts is sure to come to ruin, since there are so many men who are not good. In view of the fact that there are countless possible qualities and characters that a prince can be associated with and be said to enjoy, the prince has not to be exaggeratedly apprehensive regarding having wholly the good qualities. In addition, a prince may perhaps seem to be compassionate, kind, true to life, humanitarian, forthright, and even religious (Brian, 2001). A prince should only give such impression to have such qualities. They do not have to be authentically possessed by the prince. He just needs to give a hint of having, but not necessarily does he need to have them anyway. In The Prince, a prince can not strictly have such qualities and characters for the simple reason that at certain periods it is of essence for the prince to act against them for the good of all the subjects. Even though an awful repute ought to be evaded, it is not fundamental in smooth governance and maintaining power (Brian, 2001). The only ethic and moral that matters here are indeed one that is quite of assistance to the prince in particular when he is dealing with matters of concern to the state. Machiavelli emphatically declares in The Prince that dedications which are made in times of peace and tranquility are not always reserved in adversity. However, such devotion made in fright is reserved out of fright. And yet, a prince is tasked to guarantee that he is never dreaded to the level of hatred, which is quite possible.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

morality vs. reality :: essays research papers

Morality vs. Reality The story "Battle Royal" is the key in understanding and seeing the relationship between morality and reality. The characters in this story, namely the grandfather and his grandson, reveal to us their individuality, principles, morals, and ethics doing so they unfold a map that reveals their mental reality. Because their principals, morals and ethics reveal to us their mental reality, then their mental reality discloses the reality of the society in which they live in. The young boy’s journey toward the light (truth) is started a long time ago. However in the beginning he is unable to get on the right course, due to the wrong advice he is given by different people; he says it as "All my life I was looking for something, and every were that I turned someone tried to tell me what it was. I accepted their answers too, though they were often in contradiction" (448). Each time that he accepts their advice he is little by little pushed off the right track. It is not until he realizes that he is searching for himself, and instead of asking others questions, he needs to ask the questions to himself. Once he discovers whom to turn to, he begins a long and difficult journey in which he realizes that he is a unique person, he puts it as, "I am nobody but myself."(449). This means that he is unique and he is who he is, black. However before he comes to this enlightenment he discovers that he is an "invisible man"(449). He marks himself invisible because in the society in which a person is unheard and unseen by others is invisible. At that point the boy’s problem is clear. He is a black boy in a White men's world, in which he is not seen or heard. Yet he still does not know what to do about it, well at-least not until he hears his grandfather’s words to his father: Son, after I'm gone I want you to keep up a good fight. I never told you, but your life is a war and I have been a traitor all my born days, a spy in the enemy's country ever since I give up my gun back in the Reconstruction. Live with your head in the lion's mouth. I want you to overcome'em with yeses, undermine'em with grins, agree'em to death and destruction, let'em swoller you till they vomit or burst wide open Learn it to the younguns(449)

Friday, October 11, 2019

The Hunters: Moonsong Chapter Fourteen

Matt hunched his shoulders miserably. He had come to the pledge meeting because he didn't want to stay in his room alone, but now he wished he hadn't. He'd been avoiding Elena, Meredith, and Bonnie – it wasn't their fault, but so much violence had happened around al four of them in the past year, so much death. He'd thought it might be better being around other people, people who hadn't seen how much darkness there was in the world, but it wasn't. He felt almost like he was swathed in bubble wrap, thick and cloudy. As the other pledges moved and talked, he could watch them and hear them, but he felt separated from them; everything seemed muffled and dim. He felt fragile, too, as if removing the protective layer might make him fal apart. As he stood in the crowd of pledges, Chloe came over and stood next to him, touching his arm reassuringly with her smal , strong hand. A gap appeared in the bubble wrap, and he could real y feel her with him. He put his hand over hers and squeezed it grateful y. The pledge meeting was in the wood-paneled underground room where they'd first met. Ethan assured them this was just one of many secret hideouts – the others were only open to ful y initiated members. Matt had discovered by now that even this pledge room had several entrances: one through an old house just outside campus, which must have been the one they brought them through that first time, one through a shed near the playing fields, and one through the basement of the library. The ground beneath the campus must be honeycombed with tunnels for so many entrances to end up in one place, he thought, and he had an unsettling picture of students walking on the sun-warmed grass while, a few inches below, endless dark tunnels opened underneath them. Ethan was talking, and Matt knew that usual y he would have been hanging on his every word. Today, Ethan's voice washed over Matt almost unheard, and Matt let his eyes fol ow the black-clad, masked figures of the Vitale members who paced the room behind Ethan. Dul y, he wondered about them, about how the masks disguised them Wellenough that he was never sure if he recognized any of them around campus. Any of them except Ethan, that is. Matt wondered curiously what made the leader immune to such restrictions. Like the tunnels beneath the campus, the anonymity of the Vitales was slightly unsettling. Eventual y, the meeting ended, and the pledges started to trickle out of the room. A few patted Matt on the back or murmured sympathetic words to him, and he warmed as he realized that they cared, that somehow they'd come to feel like friends through al the sil y pledge bonding activities. â€Å"Hold up a minute, Matt?† Ethan was next to him suddenly. At Ethan's glance, Chloe squeezed Matt's arm again and let go. â€Å"I'l see you later,† she murmured. Matt watched as she crossed the room and went out the door, her hair bouncing against the back of her neck. When he looked back at Ethan, Ethan's head was cocked to one side, his golden-brown eyes considering. â€Å"It's good to see you and Chloe getting so close,† Ethan declared, and Matt shrugged awkwardly. â€Å"Yeah, Well†¦Ã¢â‚¬  he said. â€Å"You'l find that the other Vitales are the ones who can understand you best,† Ethan said. â€Å"They'l be the ones who wil stand by you al through col ege, and for the rest of your life.† He smiled. â€Å"At least, that's what's happened to me. I've been watching you, Matt,† he went on. Matt tensed. Something about Ethan cut through the bubble-wrap feeling, but not in the comforting way Chloe did. Now Matt felt exposed instead of protected. The sharpness of his gaze, maybe, or the way Ethan always seemed to believe so strongly in whatever he was saying. â€Å"Yeah?† Matt said warily. Ethan grinned. â€Å"Don't look so paranoid. It's a good thing. Every Vitale pledge is special, that's why they're chosen, but every year there's one who's even more special, who's a leader among leaders. I can see that, in this group, it's you, Matt.† Matt cleared his throat. â€Å"Real y?† he said, flattered, not knowing quite what to say. No one had ever cal ed him a leader before. â€Å"I've got big plans for the Vitale Society this year,† Ethan said, his eyes shining. â€Å"We're going to go down in history. We're going to be more powerful than we've ever been. Our futures are bright.† Matt gave a half smile and nodded. When Ethan talked, his voice warm and persuasive, those golden eyes steady on Matt's, Matt could see it, too. The Vitales leading not just the campus but, someday, the world. Matt himself would be transformed from the ordinary guy he knew he had always been into someone confident and clear-eyed, a leader among leaders, like Ethan said. He could picture it al . â€Å"I want you to be my right-hand man here, Matt,† Ethan said. â€Å"You can help me lead these pledges into greatness.† Matt nodded again and, Ethan's eyes on his, felt a flush of pride, the first good thing he'd felt since Chris's death. He would lead the Vitales, standing by Ethan's side. Everything would be better. The path was clear ahead. Indeed, Keynes posited that economic activity was determined by aggregate demand. For the fifteenth time in half an hour, Stefan read the sentence without beginning to comprehend it. It al just seemed so pointless. He'd tried to distract himself by investigating the murder on campus, but it had only made him more anxious that he couldn't be by Elena's side, seeing to it himself that she was safe. He closed the book and dropped his head into his hands. Without Elena, what was he doing here? He would have fol owed her anywhere. She was so beautiful it hurt him to look at her sometimes, like it hurt to stare into the sun. She shone like that sun with her golden hair and lapis lazuli eyes, her delicate creamy skin that held just the faintest touch of pink. But there was more to Elena than beauty. Her beauty alone wouldn't have held Stefan's attention for long. In fact, her resemblance to Katherine had nearly driven him away. But under her cool y beautiful exterior was a quicksilver mind that was always working, making plans, and a heart that was fiercely protective of everyone she loved. Stefan had spent centuries searching for something to make him feel alive again, and he'd never felt as certain of anything as he did about Elena. She was it, the only one for him. Why couldn't she be as sure of him? No matter what Elena said about Stefan being the one, the fact remained: the only two girls he'd loved in his long, long life both loved not just Stefan but his brother, too. Stefan closed his eyes and rubbed the bridge of his nose between his fingers, then shoved himself away from the desk. Maybe he was hungry. In a few quick strides, he crossed his white-painted room, through the mix of his own elegant possessions and the cheap school-issued furniture, and was out on the balcony. Outside, the night smel ed of jasmine and car exhaust. Stefan reached tendrils of Power gently into the night, questing, feeling for †¦ something †¦ there. A tiny mind quickened in response to his. His hearing, sharper than a human's, picked up the faint whine of sonar, and a smal , furry bat landed on the balcony railing, drawn in by his Power. Stefan picked it up, keeping up a gentle thrum of Power between his mind and the bat's, and it gazed at him tamely, its little fox face alert. Stefan lowered his head and drank, careful not to take too much from the little creature. He grimaced at the taste and then released the bat, which flapped tentatively, a little dazed, then picked up speed and was lost again in the night. He hadn't been terribly hungry, but the blood cleared his mind. Elena was so young. He had to remember that. She was stil younger than he'd been when he became a vampire, and she needed time to experience life, for her path to lead her back to Stefan. He could wait. He had al the time in the world. But he missed her so much. Gathering his strength, he leaped from the balcony and landed lightly on the ground below. There was a flower bed there, and he reached into it, feeling petals as soft as silk. A daisy, fresh and innocent. He plucked it and went back inside the dorm, using the front entrance this time. Outside Elena's door, he hesitated. He could hear the slight sounds of her moving around in there, smel her distinctive, intoxicating scent. She was alone, and he was tempted to just knock. Maybe she was longing for him, just as he longed for her. If they were alone, would she melt into his arms despite herself? Stefan shook his head, his mouth tight. He had to respect Elena's wishes. If she needed time apart, he could give her that. Looking at the white daisy, he slowly balanced it on top of Elena's doorknob. She would find the flower and know that it was from him. Stefan wanted Elena to know that he could wait for her, if that was what she needed, but that he was thinking of her, always.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

School Adjustment of Children from Divorced Families

The family is the basic unit of society where human beings are brought to life. It is considered a small society where children learn basic virtues. Therefore, the relationship between parents and children is very important for their growth and development. Through this relationship, children gain the virtues of trust, autonomy and initiative. Children also learn about socio-emotional relationships, self-respect and self-control. Thus, family environment and parent behaviour are crucial for children to grow as healthy, happy, and responsible people.Yet, despite the importance of parent support, there are still many children devoid of proper care from their parents resulting from the increasing number of divorces, or separations. In spite of the negative effects caused by divorce on children, the society seems to think divorce is something that can be easily done. Since the early 1990’s, divorce rate in Korea has risen rapidly not withstanding the fact that Korean society has a negative view on the divorce as compared to those in western countries. The influence of Confucianism is still deeply imbedded in Korean culture where family and marriage are supreme for most Koreans.Hence, many children from divorced families encounter deep-seated prejudice as if they have psychological defects. Although this may not be true for every child with divorced parents, some studies have shown that because they are exposed to a series of changes and are more disadvantaged than those who grow up in intact families, their school performance may be poor and they may exhibit antisocial behaviour. For example, children living in single parent families are less likely to have as many economic resources as children living in intact families.Other problems relating to aspects like parenting, education, housework, psychological issues will, as well, rise. Further, children of divorced families have to deal with sorrows from the absence of either their father or mother and that th ey will have to adapt to the change in family system. A study shows that children from divorced parents often become a laughingstock, and develop wrath towards their mother or father. Moreover, some children may find it difficult to focus during class, hence, receive poor academic grades. Childhood experience can have large impact in determining how they might turn out in the future.Parent-child relationship can largely influence children’s personality formation or intellectual development due to the account that children learn by imitating adults. Divorced parents may find more financial responsibility when it comes to parenting thus they may suffer from depression. Kurdek and Hetherrington also mention that single parent tend to raise their children with more rules and restrictions and less attention. Unfortunately, these single parents’ mental, emotional and family disorder difficulties will influence growing children and society at large. Parents’ divorce is a crisis which stirs up the ordinary life of children.For this reason, studies on divorce and its effects on children should be taken seriously. Divorce does not appear to have consistent effects across all children and ages as observed in two children, ages 10 and 11, from divorced families. Thus, this study is limited to elementary school age. It hopes to aid in understanding the behaviour of children from divorced families in school environment by illustrating researcher’s own experience with such children in class. It is related to theories which support their behaviour and possibly suggest ways for parents and educators to contribute to children’s well-being.The structure of this essay is as follows: ? the effects of divorce on children ? the differences between the children of intact and divorced families ? gender differences in the effects of divorce ? school adjustment of children from divorced families ? personal experience with children from divorced familie s The Effects of Divorce on Children Children’s reactions towards divorce can vary. Not only can the fact that the absence of one of the parents influences children but the change of environment after divorce settlement also affects children.They can suffer from psychological, behavioural and social problems. Psychological problems Study shows that children from divorced families have difficulties in adapting to new family environment. They are also likely to develop wrath towards one parent and some of them may even blame themselves for the divorce and show constant nervousness and incompetence. These effects may only be negative for a period of time or for children who have been exposed to parental conflict for a long time and recover rapidly in consequence of the stress released by their family environment.The most influenced psychological part of children of divorced families is that of depression and nervousness. Twenty-five percent of these children suffer from depressi on and fifty percent of them experience emotional turmoil or often appeared to be in despair. Social and behavioural problems Other influences on children from divorced families are external evidence like performance disorder, lack of sense of responsibility and understanding. They develop antisocial behaviour problems, aggressiveness, antagonizing manner and attention deficit in school settings.According to Lee’s research, during two years of their parents’ divorce children show antisocial behaviour and their social ability tend to decline. Children living with mothers exhibit impulsive behaviour, more oppositional and aggressiveness after two months of parents divorce. They also have difficulties in peer relationship and become troublesome at school, and perform lower academic achievement. Some children may seem to have overcome their parents divorce however even these children may have possibility of becoming troublesome when they are confronted with a new challenge and advancement task in school.As different studies have shown, divorce can have negative influence on children’s psychological, social and behavioural problems. Comparison between Children of Divorced and Intact Families Several researchers mention in their findings that children from divorced families differ significantly from children from intact families. Amato and Keith studied 13,000 children from preschool to young adulthood to find out if there are any significant behaviour differences between children of divorce and intact families.Their research indicates that children from divorced families have more problems in school, delinquency in the community, mental health problems and negative self-concepts. Besides differences in their behaviour problems, there is also a difference in economical stature. Children from divorced families are more likely to suffer from economic difficulty. Weitzman reported that woman’s standard of living after divorce falls by 29% th an previous household. And this can lead children to be more distressed in school from constant comparison with other children and receive lower academic achievement.This is because single parents may not have enough time to spend with their children because of their work and a decrease in income can increase frequent residential mobility. Hammaond compared the behaviour of children of divorced families and intact families and he found that boys of divorced families exhibit more behavioural problems than boys from intact families whereas girls show no significant differences. Boys from divorced families seem more distracted in class and exhibit acting out behaviour than boys from intact families do.This implies that in school setting, boys respond more negatively to their parent divorce than girls. The reason could be that in many countries including Korea, children live with their mothers after their parent divorce hence boys react more to absence of their father than girls do. Thi s means losing father’s monitoring homework or playing sports with them and sometimes there are issues they would want to share with their fathers only. From observing a student in class, I notice that sudden loss of affection from a father after divorce can influence school achievement.This is because children suffer from constant distress and tension and they become emotionally unstable. Therefore in comparison with children from intact families, their school grade naturally drops. However, recent studies show that nowadays there is less difference in the behaviour of children from divorced and intact families. This is probably due to the fact that divorce rate is increasing rapidly. Even though the difference is statistically significant, differences are becoming small.In Hetherington’s findings, she found differences between children of divorce and intact families, but she also found that children from intact families exhibit behavioural problems because of constan t parent conflict. She reports that over 90% of children including both genders from intact families are supposedly experiencing average range of problems. Remaining 10% suffer from severe family problem which would require professional help. In terms of children from divorced families, there are 74% of the boys and 66% of the girls in the normal range and remaining boys and girls are considered to have severe behavioural problems.Forty percent of adolescent boys and girls from divorced families have less behavioural problems than those from intact families. More recent studies show that the behaviour of children from divorced families are not much different from children of intact families. Based on experience, children still seem to experience considerable distress about the breakup of their parents and these feelings remain and affect them in some ways. Most of illustrated studies are carried in the West but Korea’s situation is also taken at hand to see if there are any b ehavioural differences in this area. Although H.Kim suggests that divorce is still viewed negatively in Korea, nevertheless her findings in the behaviour of children of divorce in school ages 8 to 13 shows similar effects of divorce on children’s school behaviour, which appear to be similar to that experienced by Western children studied in Amato & Keith’s research in 1991. Korean children from divorced families also exhibit aggressiveness, seek more attention and disobey in school. Gender Differences in the Effects of Divorce Besides behaviour differences among children of divorced and intact families, there are also gender differences to consider.Hyatt suggests that boys and girls react differently to parental divorce. Boys tend to create more behavioural problems in school than girls do. Boys’ self-esteem tends to decline as a result of divorce and they seek constant attention from the teacher and disturb class with irrelevant talks. Their effort in school wo rk also decline. Hyatt mentions that boys are more prone to difficulty of losing contact to their father hence regular communication with the father can help these adjustment problems.Girls’ behaviour in school after parental divorce is not as noticeable as boys because they do not manifest their difficulties by acting out in class. Rather, they tend to become more anxious or unhappy or showing over controlled good behaviour. Another findings concerning gender difference in the effects of divorce is that girls do accept help from their teachers unlike boys. This is because girls see their school as a place where they can be supported during divorce while boys conduct socially unacceptable behaviour.School Behaviour of Children of Divorced Families Human beings grow by constantly adapting to new environment therefore adapting to an environment is part of life cycle. Children’s educational place can be divided into home, school and the society. The child and environment continuously interact and the school takes over large part of a child’s life. Therefore as well as having a settled family life, school period is also important in determining how children might turn out in the future.School is a place where children enjoy, and gain sense of satisfaction by experiencing various activities and maintain harmonized relationships with the teachers and other students. Similarly, school adjustment is defines as taking interest in school environment and feel comfortable being in school with other children. This adjustment reflects on their school achievement and development. For instance, children who enjoy being in school and participate in school activities are likely to gain more educational experiences than those who have adjustment disorder.Liebman defines school adjustment disorder as excessive reaction where individuals are unable to harmonize with the school environment and other students which will prohibit individual development. Children of divorced families are likely to have more difficulties in school adjustment than those of children from intact families. Berbe suggests that children with adjustment disorder tend to attract teacher’s attention by inappropriate questions in class, distract other children and find it hard to pay attention in class. They also refuse teacher’s request and are often disobedient.And if they continue to show irresponsible academic behaviour, it leads to serious adjustment disorder. Heck’s idea is also similar to Berbe’s suggestion that children with adjustment disorder problems are frequently absent and tend to be oppositional in class. However, it is difficult to judge the cause of maladjustment solely on divorce. How children respond to above stress can vary from a child to child. It can differ according to their age, gender or disposition and the environment includes economic stature of parents, social approval rating of parents and family conflict.Variab les are categorized as they may affect children’s school adjustment into demographic differences and family variables. Demographic differences include race, gender, and parental socioeconomic status and family variables include relationships, organisation, control, social support, mother rejection and father rejection. Behaviour of children of divorced in school As mentioned earlier, children from divorced families appear to have difficulty in academic achievement and relationship with other children at school than children from intact families.The cause of this should not be looked at solely on the primary factor which is divorce. Secondary factors are to be considered as well, such as the change in socioeconomic structure and resources after divorce. For example, as mentioned earlier, economic loss, poor parental adjustment, lack of parental competence and parental loss can cause behavioural problems. As mentioned in the section of ‘Comparison between children of divo rce and intact families’, women’s standard of living is reduced by 29 % after divorce and absence of father can have negative influence on children more on boys than girls.Regarding studies on children’s maladjustment behaviour, Liner categorizes disorder behaviour as: ? action-out behaviour like hitting someone and being aggressive ? withdrawing behaviour: very quiet, sucking fingers, restricted behaviour ? defensive behaviour: lying, ignoring ? disorganised behaviour: escaping from reality Similarly, Wickman describes behaviour of children with adjustment disorder as: ? immoral, dishonest, in resistance to authority, stealer, cheater, disobedient, rude and rebellious ? often violates regulation of class, careless, loses interest in study, negligent and trustless? exaggerated and offensive personality ? unsociable, overly sensitive, and liar Based on experience, as a teacher of young children, those from divorced families have lower academic achievement, are so cially isolated, overly sensitive, either humiliate themselves or boast and show negative behaviour in class. Specifically, their academic grade is poorer than it used to be and they do not try to socialize with others in class. Further, they often seem absent-minded and tend to change their mood easily.If they are scolded for not doing their homework or asked to answer something they do not know, they use violent language in response. They also suffer from headache and easily get tired. This behaviour of children can also be explained by Rotter’s theory of locus of control. Locus of control refers to how individuals attribute the cause of their behaviour to internal or external forces. In applying to children of divorced families, children who have internal locus of control believe that if their parents are divorced, it is their fate.Therefore these children are able to handle any difficulties and feel less psychological distress. In contrast, children who have external locu s of control believe that if they do not perform well in school, they tend to blame external factors such as parental divorce rather than blame themselves. Hence, these children are likely to suffer from severe distress than those who have internal locus of control. When elementary school children experience parents’ divorce, they can become aggressive and develop sense fear and sorrow.Some children also imagine reunion of their parents. And they also explain that children’s school behaviour depend on how they are treated at home. As per experience, the relationship between custodial parent and the child seem to have a large impact. Prior research says that the relationship between the behaviour of custodial parents and children’s school adjustment illustrate that the attitude of custodial parents has large influence on children’s school achievement. Mothers’ affection can influence enormously on developing children’s social skills.From moth er-child relationship, children learn responsibility, self-control and social skills, hence, hostile attitude towards children can act as hindrance in developing social skills. Therefore one can learn that the attitude of custodial parent becomes important factor which influence children’s school adjustment. Personal Experience with Children from Divorced Families Case study 1 Two years ago, I was teaching young Korean children ages 8 to 11. Before I started teaching, I was briefly explained about the behaviour of several children by their tutors.A couple of them were from divorced families. I had a difficulty in handling one particular child called J, who was 11 years old at that time. According to his tutor, his parents were divorced recently and as a result, he enrolled in this school. I did not know the reason of his parents’ divorce but his mother was diagnosed with cancer. The tutor was the custodial parent of J. My first impression on J in class was that he was very loud and also it became a routine for him not to do his homework and turn up late in class.He became aggressive and tried to embarrass me by making ridiculous comments when scolded about his behaviour. On one occasion, J had a fight with another boy in class. J actually stabbed this boy with a pencil during break time. Although it was a minor injury, parents of both boys had to be called in and J’s tutor tried to make both boys talk about why it happened. But they did not say a word. Since J’s mother was sick, his grandmother came instead, apologizing for her grandson’s action. Nonetheless, explanation of J’s grandmother helped me to understand his behaviour.J became difficult to control since his parents’ divorce. He was furious with the fact that his father left his sick mother for another woman. His grade from previous school was average but with the change of family environment, he was achieving lower grade. However, considering he was fai rly new to the school, he seemed to socialize with other boys easily and seemed to lead them as well. I have also noticed that when he was not being loud or seeking attention in my class, he would sit absent-minded and continuously shake his leg. Besides being aggressive he was probably feeling insecure as well.In the period immediately following the divorce, J’s mother’s ability to be a good parent probably declined and became more inconsistent in disciplining her son due to her illness. J’s reaction towards his parent’s divorce is all mentioned in past studies by Anthony (1974), Hoyt et al. (1990), Kurdekrikberg (1987), Liner (1976), Wickman (1987) where action-out behaviour was most apparent in his behaviour when he had stabbed a boy with a pencil and his reaction also showed that he was very aggressive, as Lee (1993) suggested that children of divorce can become aggressive.J’s behaviour of making comments in class also shares Hyatt (1999)â€⠄¢s findings of making irrelevant comments in class. J had also developed anger towards his father because he had left his mother when she was sick and Kurdekriberg (1987) mentioned that some children may develop wrath towards one parent after divorce. As illustrated in Lee (1993), Kurdekriberg (1987) and Weitzman (1985)’s study, J’s academic grade declined and exhibited withdrawing behaviour (1976) such as shaking his leg in class.He was also spotted lost in thoughts in class sitting completely absent-minded and this can refer to what Liner (1976) called disorganized behaviour that J probably wanted to escape from this painful reality of his. Case study 2 Another child called B, age 10, in my class, also experienced parents divorce. I got to know B’s background through a homework I assigned in class. Unlike J, her parents were divorced when B had just turned 5 and at that time, none of her parents were willing to look after her. Therefore she was left under the care of her grandparents in her mother’s side for a few years.And then, she joined her mother at the age of 9 who was by then re-married and had children of their own. Being with her mother’s also meant moving to another school, hence everything was new to her. Despite the change of the environment, she seemed to have adjusted herself well in school life. She had her own circle of friends and she was also active and lively during class and there was not much change in her school grade. I also noticed her suck fingers during class. One day, I assigned the whole class to write about their parents because it was soon to be Parents’ Day in Korea.Surprisingly, B did not do her home. To be exact, she actually refused to do it because she said there was nothing to talk about and as she was saying this, she was almost in tears. Then she explained her family background and she was ashamed of it. She mentioned that her mother and stepfather hardly gave her any affection and treated her as a burden, hence in order to avoid them, B spent most of her time in her room when she was home. For B, the school was some kind of a safe zone and because of her positive attitude in class, I never thought that she was unhappy at home.In my opinion, B was putting all her energy into school life to forget about troubles at home. It was obvious that B had the most difficulty in adapting to step-parenting and remarriage and what made it worse was that she hardly knew her mother either. So confronting her mother and step father was a great distress for B. Unlike J, B’s behaviour was not very noticeable in school. It seems that in B’s case, her difficult situation acted as a driving force to concentrate in her school life.This is because she had hardly any affection from her mother that she probably had with her teachers and friends, whom she can trust and rely on as it is mentioned in Goldman, Rosenzweig & Lutter (1980) that girls from divorced families tend to see school as a supporting place. Both J and B suffered from painful memories and feelings of helplessness but how they reacted to the situation differed extremely although they both showed what Liner (1976) called sign of withdrawing behaviour: shaking leg and sucking fingers.There could be many factors which caused these differences. For example, J and B’s age difference, their gender and economic stature of their parents. Since J’s mother had an illness, they probably suffered severely from economic loss in comparison with B’s situation. And the fact that B’s parents were divorced years before J’s parents, could be another reason which caused adjustment difference in school. Last but not the least, attitude of custodial parent could be another reason.Although J’s behaviour problem seemed more serious than B’s, J probably had more attention from his mother where as in B’s case, she was not suffering from the fact that her parents were divorced but suffered from trying to adapt herself to step-parenting and remarriage. From J’s and B’s cases, it is evident that their behaviours were strongly influenced by family variables. Although J received much affection from his mother, he probably felt rejected from his father and B felt rejected from his mother. Although they were both influenced by family variables, J’s reaction was much more noticeable than B.Boys create more behavioural problems than girls, hence the influence of gender differences is also apparent in this study which is known as a demographic difference. It is clear that both J and B need support from educators. Although B is able to cope with this new challenge of living with a mother who she does not know well and adapting to step-parenting by herself, without professional help, it may trigger problems in her adolescence. It is the same for J’s case. If he does not receive appropriate help form educators, h e is likely to continue with delinquent behaviour or associate with antisocial friends in the future.Therefore it is vital that they are supported with affection so that they grow into a reasonably competent person. Conclusions This paper studies the behaviour of children from divorced families by studying the prospective relationship demonstrated and certain family experiences and school adjustment of two children I taught in Korea. Although past studies show that children from divorced families are in danger for developing negative behaviour and experience academic decline, due to increasing rate of divorce, the differences in the behaviour of children of divorced and children from intact families are getting smaller.It may be that children from divorced families are having difficulties, these are not as important as the factors that cause these differences. What I learn from these two children is that being a party to their parents’ divorce is a very difficult transition f or their age. There are many factors which may cause children’s school adjustment disorder and student J and B responded differently, owing to gender differences and new family situations. Therefore, children from divorced families, including J & B, should receive appropriate support both from parents and educators until they adjust to their new living arrangements.This will help them develop intellectually and socially in the same way as their peers from intact families do. Not only the support of parents is needed but teachers need to become more aware of children’s feelings in class. I, for one, am being considerate to children from divorced families in assigning homework such as writing letter to parents. Discussing different family situations, including single parenting and remarriage, will help children of intact families develop more awareness and respect towards children of divorced.Teachers can also spend more time with children from divorced families to under stand their feelings and perhaps suggest advice if necessary. This personal attention can help children to reduce any negative behaviour which children may exhibit as a result of parent divorce. In summary, on the basis of the findings of this study, it is suggested that educators should consider any factor that may influence children’s behaviour and conduct appropriate program in order to help them.